Def: Actions or behaviors created, perpetuated, or practiced by Todd.
- making random darth vader noises at any given moment
- eating dry cereal out of a cup
- quoting movie lines before they are said in the movie
- quoting song lyrics before they are said in the song
- scratching ear with key
- dancing to timers and alarms
- saying "phoooooooone" when something (not a phone) starts to beep ex.microwave
- watching movie trailers at max volume
- YouTube recommened full of Reagan speeches and HD4K swimsuit videos
- overfeeding cats
- wiping boogers on side of car seat
- leaving shredded cheese on the kitchen floor
- leaving dirty onion knife on counter
- calling all squirrels Mr.Peanuts
- calling black squirrels Leroy Peanuts
- breath always stinks
- eats onions raw
- eats imitation crab from the bag on the couch with a fork and a mtn dew
- doesn't wear underwear with jeans
- sleeps on couch with shoes on
- has pillows from bed on the couch all the time
- wagging finger and popping hips to every song
- always in "meetings" downstairs
- desk drawer full of crusty white socks
- always having a bag of rod pretzels in pantry
- eats chips ahoy dry
- keeps napkins in pantry
- spends all money on money and imitation seafood
- always claims he is the "coolest and/or funniest dad"
- kins Homer Simpson (more accurately late season Peter Griffin)
- hiccuping and saying he is drunk
- fakes throwing up in his hands everytime he burps
- had a Kik account in 2018
- never turns on the air conditioning even in 90 degree weather
- made his senior father clean his gutters
- saying "little doggy" in a high pitched voice whenever he sees a small dog
- claims to be an ally when he watches Ben Shapiro and praises Reagen
- libertarian
- rarely cleans his house
- got divorced and became a born again christian
- constantly does elvis impression
- "am i winning? am i winning?" when plays video games
- doesn't make playlists and only plays liked songs on shuffle
- tells you to rewatch the entire starwars saga when you dont know an obscure refernce
- thinks covid is fake
- has had the same haircut for the last 40 years
- hairless from mid calf down due to wearing the same socks for 30 years
- calls cheetos "cheese poofs"
- makes gasping noises when drinking soda as if it was hot or spicy
- his phone is always greasy
- skin is shiny and pink
- poorly clearing throat obnoxiously before farting
- drinks exclusively mtn dew and pepsi
- says recycling with emphasis on the "re"
- has a history degree but only uses it to try and one up people in arguments about politics
- has a film degree but doesn't use it
- keeps his readers on his head
- saying "smokers are jokers" whenever he sees someone smoking
- singing "deutschland, deutschland" in a deep voice whenever germany is referenced
- saying "yeah" in a deep voice whenever he sees a black man (i wish i was joking)
- uses cars that arent his and trashes them like they are
- keeping taco bell cinnmon twists out on the counter until they become hard and inedible
- lives off daddy's money
- always buys lotto tickets when visiting the gas station
- plays CMT (country music television)